Read more about the article Could all hardware bugs be fixed by software updates?
Hardware bugs

Could all hardware bugs be fixed by software updates?

Since few days we are hearing about "Meltdown" and "Spectre" problems (security flaws or vulnerabilities) reported in microprocessor or chip-sets. And that is a crucial part of computers, laptops, servers and mobile phones. These flaws could allow hackers to steal entire memory contents of the devices. However, it has raised few interesting question. Could all hardware bugs be fixed by software updates? Which bug is costlier hardware or software?

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Read more about the article Internet of Things (IoT) and Testing
Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) and Testing

In this blog of "Internet of Things (IoT) and Testing", I will be going you through Internet of Things (IoT) and it's importance from testing perspective. Let's understand with few scenarios. How about your doctor calls you for medical check up or suggest medicine proactively, as soon as your blood pressure or sugar gets very high or low?

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Read more about the article Learning’s from Ransomware Attack!!

Learning’s from Ransomware Attack!!

What encouraged me to write this blog on “Learning’s from Ransomware Attack”, since last one month or more, we are hearing about Ransomware malware attack (PETRA, PETRWRAP, and WANNACRY etc) on Windows machines. So, what exactly Ransomware is? and How we can prevent such attacks? Click image to know more...

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